Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I went camping with my TNT Triathlon Training Team at Lopez Lake, near Arroyo Grande in California. We did our first open water 500m swim in the lake and learned about 'sighting' - raising your head as you swim to ensure you're going in the right direction. I also tried my new road bike for the first time. I basically learned how to use the gears and so far so good. Hills are still a little scary!

OK, it's not the Tour de France, but still hardcore for me.

Pretty sunset on Saturday night

I heart camping.
Saturday night carb-loading

Teammates Chris, Peter and Alicia - aka Team New England

Team Canada - represent! Just so there's no mistake, a swim cap with your name written in large letters with a sharpie on the side is never fashionable...but always safe.

We swam 500m here. It was our first open water swim. I started out pretty good, looked up and realized I was going 90 degrees in the wrong direction. That's why you have to sight your target.

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