Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Week 12 of 17: August 4 -August 10

August 9th, Team Practice at Zuma Beach: Today was a big practice. We got our wetsuits and did our first ocean swim, about 1/2 a mile, transitioned to our bikes for a 15 mile ride on the very hilly Pacific Coast Highway and then transitioned to a short run. I felt strong throughout the practice. My goal from now until the race is to stay strong and to not get injured.

Team arrives at  7 a.m.
Barbara and me. These suits make us feel like Batman.

My transition station. I still need to get an anti-chaffing glide stick.
Teammates Brooke and Peter.
Peter is my friend who got me involved with this triathlon!
Dolphining through the waves. 
Teammate David 
Alicia and her bike named Waldo.

August 8th: Ran 2 miles.

August 7th, Team Swim Practice at Santa Monica Pool: Swam 1200 yards (o.7/1.1K). Today we practiced dolphining, which is kind of like a butterfly stroke except you do this at the beginning of the race in water that is too shallow to swim in, but too deep to run in quickly. You have to swing your arms forward and push off the ground, dive in and repeat. It's actually quite fun. I also got an hour long massage today as a part of recovery week - ahhh.

August 6th: Biked 10 miles, this was my first ride on clip-less pedals. So far, so good - I didn't fall over at the stop light and enjoyed being a little lighter on the bike. It's hard to tell if I am actually going faster, since I wasn't going at maximum capacity, being recovery week and all, but I think they will help.

August 5th: Ran 2 miles, swam 1200 yards (0.7 miles/1.1K)

August 4th:
 Recovery Day

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